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FAQ: What do I need to know about renting church space?


Fees for rental of church space and property may be found here.  We invite you to discuss fees with our rental agent, George Jolink

We offer a variety of spaces that can be "mixed and matched" for your event.  Take a moment to look below. 

Sanctuary:  Seats approximately 500.

Full sound system available

Chapel: Flexible space for small meetings and events.

Proudfoot Hall: Flexible space for meetings, receptions, musical events and accessible by elevator

Kitchen: Off of Proudfoot Hall.  Ideal

work area for catered events.  Handy to

outdoor offloading.

Parlour: Ideal for small famiy gatherings, or "green room" functions.

Atrium: Ideal "crush" area for intermission displays, refreshments, displays, etc.

What About Weddings & Funerals?

For information specific to weddings and funerals see the relevant FAQ pages.

What spaces are availabe for rent?

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