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Music Ministries

joyful singers

Senior Choir


DIRECTOR: Chris Fischer

DETAILS: Our Senior Choir leads the congregation in song each Sunday and at special services from September through June, proclaiming a message of hope, joy, and inclusive love to amplify the preached word in a variety of musical styles. This ensemble also participates regularly in the “Music at First-St. Andrew’s” concert series. New members (from high school age and up) are enthusiastically welcomed: some music-reading ability and prior choral experience are helpful and a commitment to regular attendance is essential.


REHEARSALS:  7:30 to 9:30 PM from the first week of September through the first week of June, in the Chapel.

senior choir

Laudamus Bells

LEADER: Richard Frank

DETAILS: Our Laudamus Bell Choir is a friendly group of musicians who play at worship services about once a month. New members are welcome. Prerequisites include an ability to read music and knowledge of music to approximately the grade 6 level. Special training on bells is provided.

REHEARSALS: Monday afternoons at 1:30 from September through June

laudamus bells
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FSA Strings

LEADER: Igor Saika-Voivod

DETAILS: The Strings are made up of accomplished musicians from the area who play at various Sunday Worship Services, including the Christmas Eve Candlelight service and World Communion.  They also hold annual spring and fall concerts at FSA.

REHEARSALS: At the call of the director.

fsa strings



LEADER: Chris Fischer (assisted by Christina Lindsay and Laura Wood)

 This is a beginning handbell/chime and drama group for children and youth from grades 3 to 8. We learn musical skills, including score-reading and rhythm, and rehearse songs and dramatic scenes for intergenerational worship services such as the spring musical. (These services are held 5 times a year, including the Christmas Eve service with pageant.)


Rehearsals: Mondays from 6:45 to 7:30 (music), 7:30 to 8:00 (drama), September to May, in the Sanctuary.


LEADERS: Chris Fischer, assisted by Christina Lindsay, Children's Coordinator, plus parent volunteers.


DETAILS: The group meets on Monday evenings (before ReBELLS) and focuses on creating a program of singing, movement, percussion and drama in a fun, family atmosphere. Dinner is offered at the beginning of the evening.


Ages: JK to grade 8 


REHEARSALS: Mondays 6:00 until 6:45 in the Sanctuary. (Dinner is from 5:30 until 6:00)

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Ring of Fire

Our newest music program at FSA. For teens and adults, high school age and up. Learn to play handbells in a relaxed, fun atmosphere. We’ll ring in Sunday morning worship about once a month… No experience necessary!

Contact: Chris Fischer, Minister of Music, for more information or to sign up!

Rehearsals: Sunday after worship in the Sanctuary.

Ring of Fire

Eberhard Scholarship


The Eberhard Memorial Music Scholarship Fund was initiated in the spring of 1988 to recognize a family vital in the membership of the congregation of First-St. Andrew’s United Church. Memorial contributions and generous gifts from the Eberhard family and others allowed the start of this fund to help perpetuate a quality music program at First-St. Andrew’s.

Using the income from the fund, scholarship support is available on application for one or more vocalists to gain experience in church music and contribute to the wonderful voices of our senior choir.  It is from this fund that the expenses are paid for the student vocal members of the choir from Western University.


The Director of Music, in consultation with the Selection Committee of the Music Committee, chooses "Eberhard Scholar(s) annually.

Get more information on the scholarship and how to apply

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350 Queens Ave, London, Ontario, N6A 1X6  - - 519-679-8182 -

Office Hours: Monday-Closed; Tuesday - Friday 9:30am to Noon and 1-2pm

Worship Services are held each Sunday at 10:30am

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