A church home should be more than a beautiful building, more than thought-provoking preaching and liturgy, and more than inspiring music. The most important component is the PEOPLE who form a church family that welcomes and sustains, day in and day out. To that end, it is important to communicate regularly and work comfortably together. Below you will find some of the ways that we do that at First-St. Andrew's. We'd like you to consider being one of the family and put yourself in the picture below.
This was us....on Sunday September 8, 2024
Are you getting copies of our weekly electronic newsletter/blast, "This Week at FSA"? If not, why not subscribe now? All the latest news and information about the church will come to you automatically as an email each Sunday morning. Just fill in the form to the left and hit "submit." If your submission was successful, you will see confirmation to reassure you. Note that you must include BOTH your first and last name or we will not be able to put you on the mailing list.
FSA will not provide your name or email address to any other entity. Should you later decide that you do not want to receive this weekly email, simply hit "Unsubscribe" at the bottom of "This Week at FSA." No explanations are necessary.
Four times a year we produce a magazine called Tidings that provides thought-provoking articles and timely updates on all that's current at FSA. You can always pick up a hard copy at church but you can also read it online. To do that, link from the Tidings logo on the right to open up the Tidings library shelf. Then just click on the issue that you're interested in and, presto, you're ready to read and get to know us!
Find out about upcoming meetings and events booked at the church by linking to our calendar here.
However, to make a booking on the calendar, you must contact the Church Office.