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Worship  Update
  • Looking for a few precious moments of peace and perspective in your busy week? We invite you to worship with us in person each Sunday at 10:30 am. 

  • On Sunday, November 10, Pastor Joshua Lawrence will be preaching. We will mark Memorial Sunday.

  • Want to know the names of those who greeted you or read scripture on a given Sunday?  Find out here.


Our Online Ministry​​

  • Our service begins at 10:30 on Sunday morning.  Just link from the graphic below this section.

  • On Sunday, November 3rd we will acknowledge All Saints Sunday with a celebration of Saints, Old and New.  Our service will begin with the photos of some of those saints who have gone before us.  Then we invite you to join with Rev. Dr. Joshua Lawrence, Minister of Worship & Congregational Life, to welcome our newest members.  Christina Lindsay, Children's Program Coordinator, leads our children's ministry at Sunday School.  Today's Gospel reading is Matthew 15: 10-11, 15-20 which will be read by Pat Pettit.  The sermon, based on 2 Samuel 11: 2-15, is entitled “Hallelujah and Hedonism.”​

  • Minister of Music, Chris Fischer and our Senior Choir will present today's Musical Offering "In Remembrance" from Eleanor Daley's "Requiem."  Our Eberhard Vocal Scholar Madeline Berman will accompany the candle lighting with a performance of "Pie Jesu" from Fauré's "Requiem" with Paul Merritt on the chamber organ.  Today's Musical Reflection is a solo performance of "With the People We Have" sung by Chris Fischer, with Lynda Kennedy at piano.  Our congregational hymns this morning are VU #706 "Give Thanks for Life," VU #697 "O for a World,” and "When the Saints Go Marching In."  We extend special thanks to the Ukulele Players, led by Christine Cavers who will join us for this hymn.

  • *Missed Sunday's livestream?  You can see the recorded version of this particular service any time up to seven days after the live version by linking from the graphic below.

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To see the Sunday Slide Show which plays in the Sanctuary prior to Worship, go to our Billboard Page

To select and watch any of our past video recorded services,

link to our YouTube Channel from the icon. 


GROW YOUR FAITH! Listen to recent sermons on your portable device. You can take us with you to your workout, on your daily commute, or whenever and wherever you have some personal time. 

Post-Script, produced weekly, is an intimate five-minute video in which Pastor Joshua reflects on the message of the past Sunday.  Give it a try!

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Have you been benefitting from our online ministry?  Perhaps now is the time to give back so that we can continue to offer this outreach.  Just link from the red "DONATE" button below.

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